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Jun 11, 2024

PlaceMakers: Ben Harrison on the Adda Clevenger School's Presidio Expansion

Director of Operations Ben Harrison discusses the advantages of the school’s Presidio location.

The Adda Clevenger School, located on Funston Avenue, is expanding its Presidio campus into Building 2, located down the street at the corner of Lincoln Boulevard and Funston Avenue. This new addition will open in 2026. 

We sat down with Ben Harrison, director of operations for the Adda Clevenger School, to discuss the educational benefits of its park setting. The Adda Clevenger School, located on Funston Avenue, is expanding its Presidio campus into Building 2, located down the street at the corner of Lincoln Boulevard and Funston Avenue. This new addition will open in 2026. 

Why did you locate your business in the Presidio? 

Group of kids and teacher standing outside

We’ve been trying to locate our business in the Presidio since about 2010. That was the first time we came to the park and were looking at buildings as an alternate school location. In this case, it’s not an alternate location; it’s actually a second location for us.  

We’ve always really liked the Presidio as a location for our school given the location, the weather, the greenery, and the safety. Safety is of course a very important consideration when you’re thinking about an elementary and middle school. 

How does a national park setting contribute to teaching/learning at Adda Clevenger? 

Smiling student at table with other kids

Having access to the trees and fresh air is great for the kids. It keeps them alert and excited, which is something you want when working with elementary and middle school kids and helps create a great environment for learning. We’ve received a continuous message from the students for the past few years that they’re interested in outdoor learning, including everything from wilderness education to environmental education. This is an important trend in learning and important for young children right now, so we want to respond to that and be a part of the conversation. 

What’s your favorite part about being in the Presidio? 

The immediate availability of outdoor space. In the Mission District, we have to drive through city streets to get that. Here, we walk right out the front door and it’s there waiting for us.  

Another thing that’s very special about the Presidio is there’s an interest in being a place that’s conducive to having kids around. The park welcomes children. This is a place where they’re not seen as an annoyance or a nuisance but as an enhancement to the overall environment. The community aspect of the Presidio really allows that feeling to flourish. 

Do you have a favorite place in the park? 

Image of people enjoying Presidio Main Parade lawn looking south

Presidio Tunnel Tops is great, and the Main Parade Lawn is wonderful. I lived on the Presidio for ten years. My son lives in the Presidio right now and two of my grandkids do, too. I like Fort Scott Winfield Scott. Gosh, I don’t know, I love it all especially spots closer to the water. Fort Point, too. I used to run there a lot. It’s very scenic and makes me think of Hitchcock’s Vertigo.