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People enjoying the view from Immigrant Point Overlook in the Presidio.

Immigrant Point Overlook

This vista point overlooking the Pacific Ocean connects to Presidio hiking trails and beaches.


Southern Wilds Region


Scenic Overlook



Top Amenities

Accessible Parking, Picnic Tables, Shuttle-accessible, Trail Connection

It's hard to believe you're in San Francisco when standing at Immigrant Point, gazing out at the Pacific Ocean and the Marin Headlands.

Immigrant Point Overlook features a lovely stone plaza with benches – the perfect place to rest after hiking or biking on one of the trails that converge nearby. Pack a lunch and snag a table in the gorgeous picnic area just across Washington Boulevard. 

As glorious as the views are during the day, plan to be here to watch the sun go down – fog permitting. You won’t regret it. 

Getting to Immigrant Point Overlook

Immigrant Point Overlook

Map of the Presidio

By Public Transit

Muni Route: 29

Stop: Baker Beach

By Presidio GO Shuttle

Route: South Hills

Stop: Washington Boulevard & Central Magazine Road


There’s very limited free parking next to the overlook along Washington Boulevard.

Why We Love Immigrant Point Overlook

This vista point honors those who have made the journey through the Golden Gate to the new country they would call home. Carved into stone on the stone wall are the words of President Woodrow Wilson: “We opened the gates to all the world and said, ‘Let all men who want to be free come to us and they will be welcome.’”

Accessibility at Immigrant Point

An accessible parking space is next to the overlook.

Insider Tip

Nearby, a long stairway through the trees leads down the hill from Immigrant Point to Lincoln Boulevard where you can connect to the California Coastal Trail, ultimately reaching Baker Beach, one of the best beaches in San Francisco. Be alert for traffic as there is no stop sign at this crossing.

Immigrant Point connector trail, linking to the California Coastal Trail.

A Great Place to Enjoy the Presidio Views

Built in 2008, Immigrant Point Overlook was made possible with a gift from the Sarlo Foundati​on of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund. It honors those who have made the journey to the United States and has in the past hosted naturalization ceremonies. 

Near Great Hikes in San Francisco 

Immigrant Point Overlook is located on Washington Boulevard near three trails: the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail, the Bay Area Ridge Trail, and the California Coastal Trail. It’s a popular place for bicyclists and hikers to stop for a rest. 

Picnic at the Presidio 

A small picnic area is located just across Lincoln Boulevard. It’s a great place to enjoy a packed lunch but note that there are no grills. If you need more amenities, learn about other picnic sites in the Presidio. 

Woman sitting at the picnic area at the Immigrant Point Overlook in the Presidio. 

Camping is Nearby 

Immigrant Point is right across from Rob Hill Campground, a group campsite. Note that you need to reserve a spot here in advance. 


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Frequently Asked Questions

No, the nearest restrooms are a hike away. The closest options are at Baker Beach, near the Golden Gate Bridge Welcome Center, and at the Golf Course General Store.

The closest places to buy Presidio food are at the Roundhouse Café near the Golden Gate Bridge and at the Golf Course General Store. 

No, this view looks toward the Pacific Ocean and Marin Headlands. To see the bridge, head over to the Pacific Overlook or the Golden Gate Overlook. 

Park Itineraries

Need help planning your day at the Presidio? We’ve put together some itinerary ideas for things to see and do in the park. Whether you’re planning to spend a few hours or an entire day, there’s something for everyone at the Presidio. 

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