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Filming at the Presidio

Learn how to secure a permit to film in the Presidio of San Francisco.

How to Secure a Film Permit

As both a national park site and a National Historic Landmark District, the Presidio is a beautiful backdrop for film productions. This section describes the film permit process. If you have a question about filming in the park, please contact us at or (415) 561-4200.

Presidio Film Permits

The Presidio Trust issues permits for film projects on the Presidio’s interior lands, which encompass the interior 80% of the park (Area B – see map below). All commercial film, video, or photography (film) production in the Presidio requires a film permit.

Commercial film production is defined as any activity that results in a film, video, or photograph being sold or used for commercial purposes (including social media), or any activity involving filming or photography for which crew and/or talent is paid. This includes not-for-profit productions. It does not include photography or video for personal use; however tripods, props, and other equipment even for personal use are restricted in certain areas.

Presidio A/B map that shows that the Presidio Trust manages Area B interior lands and the National Park Service manages Area A coastal lands.

Film Permit Application

All film permits require the coordination of our film permit office, with a minimum of 15 business days’ notice prior to the date of the shoot. To apply, please complete our Film and Photo Permit Application. There is no application fee.

Rules for Filming

Film, video, and photo production companies must adhere to the following rules and regulations when working in the Presidio. Any exceptions must be requested at least 48 hours prior to the permitted use by calling the Presidio Trust at (415) 561-4200.

Note: The Presidio is a national park site. There are restrictions you may not find elsewhere. Your permit will contain a complete list of specific conditions. You are also responsible for following these guidelines.

Alterations to Park Property: No buildings, trees, shrubs, or other plant material may be trimmed, pruned, altered, attached to, penetrated, and/or removed without express permission.

Exclusive Use of Park Areas: Permittee must acknowledge that the primary purpose of a park is to serve the public. If permission is granted to temporarily exclude the public from certain areas for production purposes, the Permittee must use the utmost courtesy in doing so. Filming permits are not issued for Presidio Tunnel Tops. Special permission must first be approved for filming artwork in the Presidio created by Andy Goldsworthy (examples: Wood Line and Spire. Filming must ensure protection of natural and cultural resources, avoid visitor use conflicts, and ensure public safety.

Drones – Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS): Permits are required for any drone flight that takes off and lands within Area B of the Presidio. See Drone Permits for more information.

Fogging Equipment: Generation of mineral oil-based smoke, mist, or fog is not allowed. Permission to use water-based fogging equipment will be considered upon request.

Park Staff: Permittees must always follow the direction of park staff.

Staking: Staking is not permitted in the Presidio. If permission is granted to install tents, equipment, sets, props (etc.) they must be secured by sandbags, water barrels, or some other approved manner. Nothing may be attached or tied down to any structure, park bench, tree, etc.

Structures and Sets: Structures, sets, or other props (other than handheld) are not allowed without express permission.

Vehicles: Production vehicles must be parked in legal parking stalls and parking fees must be paid. The Permittee may not prohibit or obstruct vehicular or public access to park streets, roads, or trails without express permission. Permission may be granted to use a paved pedestrian path only for the purpose of loading and unloading equipment. If permission is granted to traverse a paved pathway or trail, special care must be taken to keep tires on the approved pathway.

Crissy Marsh with the Golden Gate Bridge in the background.
Photo by Myleen Hollero.

National Park Service Film Permits 

The National Park Service Special Park Uses Group manages filming at all sites within the Golden Gate National Recreation Area sites, including the Presidio’s shoreline (Area A – see map above). For information on how to secure a permit, visit their website or call them at (415) 561-4301.