Learn about how we're making the Presidio resilient for the future.
Over the next few years we’ll complete long planned and urgently needed improvements to the park’s infrastructure, open spaces, and historic buildings.
We call this work Presidio Forward. It’s a transformative moment where we’ll significantly improve the park’s foundation so people, plants, and animals can thrive for decades to come. The result will be an even more beautiful and welcoming Presidio that’s resilient for generations to come.
Work will be rolled out over a number of years with activity in different parts of the park at different times. Visit this site often for updates on what’s happening when.
If you have any questions, contact us at presidio@presidiotrust.gov.
We’re making it easier to get to and around the Presidio – whether you are strolling, rolling, or taking the bus.
Four Ways We're Improving the Presidio
We’re bringing the Presidio’s infrastructure into the 21st century through much needed upgrades.
We’re adding new parklands, improving roads and sidewalks, and introducing better ways to get around.
We’re replanting our forest and restoring habitats so nature thrives through storms or drought.
We’re making more places to work, live, and visit – and bolstering the park’s financial engine.