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Community Engagement

We listen and learn from communities to make the Presidio a welcoming place for all.

Parks belong to all of us. We invest in partnership - uplifting community ideas, expertise, and networks to create a more inclusive Presidio.

The Presidio is part of a movement to bring the national park experience closer to where most people live – in cities. The Presidio is right in the middle of the Bay Area, a bus ride away from millions of people.

And yet, there’s work to do to make sure everyone can enjoy this public space. 

The Presidio Trust, with the Partnership for the Presidio, supports the ongoing development of this park as an inclusive, equitable, and relevant community resource. We work to remove tangible and intangible barriers to welcome those that have been historically underrepresented in national parks — including people of color, people with disabilities, and those with lower income.

Community Events & Activations

​​We work closely with partners to host or collaborate on events that connect the park with their communities through art, culture, health, music, education, and more. 

Four people from the Asian American for Civil Rights and Equality at the Crissy Field Center courtyard celebrating Lunar New Year.

Community Access & Visits

Our Community Shuttle, Community Reservable Spaces, and other Community Access programs aim to make it easier for local communities to visit and explore the Presidio.

People standing in front of a parked bus.

Community Leaders

Our Presidio Activators and Community Experts are leaders, activists, organizers, and artists who are working with us to make the Presidio a welcoming and inclusive space that meets community needs.    

Six people who work with the Presidio Activators group.

Community Art

Art can bridge communities and perspectives. Through partnerships with community artists, we’re leveraging the transformative power of art and culture to create a more inclusive environment for all communities, recognizing and honoring the histories often left out.   

Favianna Rodrigues, a man, and a child make at at Presidio Tunnel Tops.Photo by Paul Myer.
Portrait of Rhonda Haley, Bay View Commons Apartments Services Coordinator

The Presidio is a place where you can breathe freely and be yourself with no judgment. It is a place for families and people to come together for unity and peace of mind.”

Rhonda Haley

Services Coordinator, Bay View Commons Apartments

Upcoming Community Events

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We welcome your questions and ideas — they help us shape the Presidio into a more welcoming and accessible place for all. Email us at

Two women hold a sign on the Presidio lawn.